Nutrition indicators, directly or indirectly indicates, that the food has beneficial nutritional characteristics Uzturvērtības norāde tieši vai netieši norāda, ka pārtikas produktam ir sevišķi labvēlīgas uzturīpašības:

  • energy value (value in calories),
  • the presence or absence of a nutrient or other substance.


  • "Reduced calories"
  • "Low fat"
  • "Fiber Source"
  • "Without salt"
  • "Lots of vitamin C"

Only nutrition indicators are allowed which are listed in Atļautas tikai tās uzturvērtības norādes, kas uzskaitītas Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 1924/2006 on "nutrition and health claims made on foods" and meets the conditions laid down in the Regulation.