The Official Controls Regulation (OCR) - Regulation (EU) 2017/625, the use of Common Health Entry Documents (CHEDs) became mandatory for the entry into the EU of animals and goods under Article 47 of OCR.

CHED-A is Common Health Entry Document for consignments of animals (referred to in Article 47 (1)(a) of OCR).

CHED-P is Common Health Entry Document for consignments for products of animal origin, germinal products, and animal by-products (referred to in Article 47(1)(b) of OCR).

The operator responsible for the consignment (RFC) of animals or products of animal origin pre- notify with CHED-A or CHED-P via TRACES to the competent authorities of the border control post (BCP) of the arrival of the consignments.

Prior notification RFC shall give to the BCP of first arrival into the Union, at least one working day before expected arrival of the consignment.


TRACES  (Trade Control and Expert System) is the European Commission’s online platform for the importation of animals, animal products and feed of non-animal origin into the European Union and intra-EU trade and EU exports of animals and certain animal products.

To submit a prior notification for the first time, RFC shall create a new EU login account in TRACES.  

Template of prior notification (CHED-A-Part 1 and CHED-P Part 1) for fulfilling during unplanned or planned unavailability of TRACES.